Art Show
Multi video projections, loudspeaker, seven lightboxes, performances, audio, video and paper document-materials.
1st December 2018 — 1st December 2019
Macro Asilo, Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome
Postcards from Rome by Yuval Avital is a huge multimedia composition comprehensive of hundreds of voices and faces from Rome, with different languages and expressions. Postcards from Rome is the second project of Avital’s series Icon-Sonic Postcards. The first edition was created in 2017 in Reggio Emilia, Italy (Festival Aperto 2017, curator Roberto Fabbi) involving over 170 participants (read more of the first edition - link).
The artwork is conceived as a process of collection, involvement, stimulation, co-creation and composition, using a stratification of different languages in which the role of the audience and its living space is fundamental component of the emergence of a territorial chorality. The voice, with its unique sonority and expression, has always been a central filed of Yuval’s works. As the fingerprint, the voice represents the distinctiveness of a person, in his own complementary with the physical presence. In Postcards from Rome, these unique and heterogeneous voices merge into a huge “meta-choir” that will recreate a sonic image of Rome.
In the first step ( 1st – 7th December 2018) more than 300 participant have spread and expressed their voices following the 7 visual score conceived by Yuval, conducting megaphone’s choirs among the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome. An orchestration of whispers, murmurs, songs and timbres made with a huge heterogeneous crowd composed by students, retirees, dancers, artists, musicians, athletes; a unanimous polyphony in which each one proximity, achieved through their unique voices, lead to a form of co-participation and co-implication that could be defined properly as human, or, in Avital’s words, truthfulness.
Yuval’s Crow Music is conceived as a social art work, where peoples are involved in a form of demopraxia as Pistoletto means: an audience’s leading role oriented to a responsible transformation of society through expression. Postcards from Rome, as a collective action, intend to achieve a process of re-humanization through a territorial mapping starting with shared voices, highlighting the pre-existing sense of proximity and empathy inside each one voice: if everyone is a “master of his own voice”, a new conception of community (also as “vocal” community”) could start from individual expression.
Megaphones choirs
Installation View
Curatorial Think-Tank: